01 February 2014

Feeling Twenty-Two

Source: here

I am officially twenty two today!!

Sangat berterimakasih pada Tuhan atas delapan ribu tiga puluh hari alias dua puluh tahun yang telah diberikan. 
Yang pada setiap harinya tentu saja saya tidak selalu bisa memahami hidup dengan baik.
Hari ini adalah akhir dan juga awal, I am closing twenty one and starting twenty two. Pada setiap episode kehidupan yang telah diputar dan para pemeran, saya sangat sangat bererimakasih. Kalian membuat saya menjadi seperti sekarang.

I am grateful I have people (family, friends, and boyfriend) to share all that I am with. 
I enjoy life, and I delight in learning from it, and siphoning from it everything it has to offer.
And a lot of things I do today have been 22 years in the making.
And still, I don’t think I’m there just yet…but there is no doubt that I’m very close. This Close!

Thanks again to everyone who wished me a happy birthday.  It was just another reminder of the overwhelming support that I have enjoyed even from over thousands of miles away.  I had no idea that so many people would go ahead and send me a message, it meant a lot to me so thank you very much!

*Maaf lagi nggak bisa nulis proper hehe. Will be back very soon with another post. Cheers ;)*

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